Space S000027

Rational numbers

Also known as: Q\mathbb Q, Furstenberg topology, Evenly spaced integer topology, The pp-adic topology on Z\mathbb{Z}

Let X=QX=\mathbb Q, the set of rational numbers, with the subspace topology induced from Euclidean Real Numbers.

Defined as counterexample #30 ("The Rational Numbers") in DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-6290-9.

A purely topological characterization of the space Q\mathbb Q, due to Sierpinski, is given by the following equivalent theorems:

  • Every countably infinite, Metrizable space without isolated point is homeomorphic to Q\mathbb Q.
  • Every countably infinite, T3T_3 First countable space without isolated point is homeomorphic to Q\mathbb Q.

For a proof, see Countable metric spaces without isolated points (A. Dasgupta) or DOI 10.48550/arXiv.1210.1008. And for the equivalence between the two theorems, the second one easily follows from the first; and the reverse direction follows from (Countable ∧ First countable) ⇒ Second countable together with Urysohn's metrization theorem.

It follows for example that the following spaces are homeomorphic to Q\mathbb Q.

(1) The space Z\mathbb{Z} with the Furstenberg topology, generated by all sets of the form a+kZ={a+kn:nZ}a + k \mathbb{Z} = \{a+kn : n\in\mathbb{Z}\} with aZa\in\mathbb Z and positive integer kk.

Defined as counterexample #58 ("Evenly Spaced Integer Topology") in DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-6290-9.

(2) The space Z\mathbb{Z} with the topology generated by all sets of the form a+pαZ={a+pαn:nZ}a+p^\alpha\mathbb Z=\{a+p^\alpha n:n\in\mathbb Z\} with aZa\in\mathbb Z and non-negative integer α\alpha. Here pp is a fixed prime.

Defined as counterexample #59 ("The pp-adic Topology on Z\mathbb{Z}") in DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-6290-9.

(3) The product space Q×Q\mathbb Q \times \mathbb Q.

(4) The Sorgenfrey topology on Q\mathbb Q, generated by all half-open intervals [p,q)Q[p,q)\cap\mathbb Q with p,qQp,q\in\mathbb Q.